Cassandra Snow: Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft From the Margins
So., 13. Dez.

Zeit & Ort
13. Dez. 2020, 19:00 MEZ
Über die Veranstaltung
Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft From the Margins is a beginner's witchcraft book that looks at different forms of witchcraft from a queer lens, while aiming to critique harmful standards in the practice while uplifting those reading the book. Queering Your Craft calls on queer community standards like DIY aesthetic and community care to envision a whole new way of honing and practicing your craft. Queering Your Craft also calls into question the way LGBTQ+ seekers are taught to hide their voice and attractions, helping them forge a new path ahead with magic. Presented by Cassandra Snow: Cassandra Snow is a tarot teacher and reader, a writer and a theatre artist living in Minneapolis, MN. Their first book, Queering the Tarot aimed to modernize and update the classic tarot understanding through a queer lens. Their most recent release, Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft From the Margins strives towards an inclusive, cost-efficient, land-sustainable witchcraft through that same queer lens. Cassandra has been reading tarot professionally for over a decade and has been a practicing eclectic witch for even longer. More on