Frater N.D.N.S.N: Do not go gentle: Euthanasia, Eugenics & LIBER OZ
Sa., 19. Sep.
|Zoom - lecture

Zeit & Ort
19. Sep. 2020, 11:00 – 13:00 MESZ
Zoom - lecture
Über die Veranstaltung
This lecture explores the policy and practical implications of international euthanasia law from a Thelemic point of view. In order to inform the medical and sociopolitical context euthanasia laws operate in, we'll first examine the history of eugenics, including scientific racism, various models of disability, involuntary sterilisation, and extermination. We'll then explore how euthanasia laws operate in Europe and the Americas as well as who medicine prioritises in the global Covid-19 pandemic, in order to question how best to fulfil Liber OZ in a non-Thelemic society.
This lecture has been previously presented at:
TOTOCON 7 - Austin, USA (2014)
NOTOCON XI - Orlando, USA (2017)
Bubastis Oasis - Dallas, USA (2017)
Liber OZ Fest - Center Harbor, NH, USA (2018)
The Star and the Serpent Oasis - Brisbane, Australia (2020)
(This is a private lecture presented for O.T.O. Austria and other invited guests. Views expressed do not represent The Star and the Serpent Oasis or Australia Grand Lodge.)
Presented by: Fr. N.D.N.S.N. is an autistic Thelemite who focuses his Work on creating a more Thelemic society through disability justice. His motto, "Nihil de nobis, sine nobis," a central European principle of representation, has been an international slogan of disability power for decades as "Nothing about us without us." He was initiated in OTO in the US in 2012 and is a former Man of Earth Delegate and member of Scarlet Woman Lodge and Alombrados Oasis. He currently lives in Brisbane, Australia, where he serves The Star and the Serpent Oasis as Treasurer.
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